Letter to my MP about a new ID harvester.
There is currently an email circular doing the rounds regarding 192.com and the fact they are offering the personal details of UK citizens for money.
After typing in your name you see a list of all people currently living at your address. The system then offers you the option to buy credits for more information such as Business & Director reports, Historical Electoral Roll, and, I would imagine, all available contact details.
Atached to this email is a form that appears to give you the option to have your details removed.
The form requests that you fax it back to a premium rate number.
0906 ** ** ***
This is followed by the disclaimer:
"i-CD cannot accept liability or be held responsible for any
failure to correct or remove your detail as requested above."
which, I imagine absolves them from the responsibiltiy of doing anything but making money out of my personal details.
Liberal Democrat Leader Menzies Campbell said:
"There is no part of people's lives which is free from snooping. State intervention and control expands every day. It is time we put a halt to this."
This is a Corporate National ID Database by stealth & is indicitive of how the Corporations would like to introduce ID cards. By stealth.
The days of the telephone book (originaly a goverment service)are long gone.
In this Information Age, my details are a commodity to others, and an essential part of my Identity and Freedoms.
At no time was I contacted about this service, & they do have my contact details. In fact a large part of my precious time is spent defeating & avoiding this harvesting of my data.
It is well documented that only small amounts of information, with some clever Social Engineering, can yeild staggering profits for unethical business' & criminals, rendering decent citizens feeling abused, in debt, or worse.
This information is available from other sources, but to encourage abuse, and then offer me salvation at a fee, from the same company, is an affront to the very freedoms we tell young men are worth fighting for.
Tell your MP about this -
And remove yourself from future mailings.
and Ol'faithfull